Warhammer 40K Darktide Wiki

Equinox Mk IV Voidstrike Force Staff[]

"Let your mind be the weapon. The staff is merely there to light the darkness." - Primaris Psyker Glena Tor

Force staves are mighty weapons in the hands of a Psyker. Within the structure of the weapon is interwoven a powerful device called a Psi-Convector, formed into a precise serpentine shape which concentrates and directs psychic energy. If wielded by a non-psyker it simply functions as finely-crafted staff.

This pattern of stave allows the wielder to create a great blaze bolt projectile that deals high damage and can pass through crowds in a great line of destruction.


Force Weapon[]

This weapon draws upon the power of the Warp and builds Perils in certain situations

Charged Attack[]

This weapon can be charged to deliver a more powerful attack. The higher the charge level, the more damage is inflicted.


Combo attacks using the staff as a melee weapon

Stat Bonuses[]

Damage 0% 100% Notes
Primary Action Damage 90 150
Epicentre Damage 312.5 437.5 Shows 450 in weapon overview but 408.75 on stat at 77% bonus
Charge Rate 0% 100% Notes
Charge Speed 1.9s 1.6s
Blast Radius 0% 100% Notes
Blast Radius 2 4
Epicentre Radius 1.13 1.38
Warp Resistance 0% 100% Notes
Charge Peril Generation 17.50% 12.50%
Primary Action Peril Generation 6.25% 3.75%
Secondary Action Peril Generation 9.00% 3.00%
Quell Speed 0% 100% Notes
Quell Speed -33.33% 100.00%
Peril Decay -28.57% 66.67%

